12.4 Faculty Handbook Committee
12.4.1 Function
The Faculty Handbook Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the Handbook on a regular basis, discussing proposed changes to the Handbook suggested by a committee member or a Mines-affiliated individual or group, preparing proposed amendments to the Handbook for consideration by Mines, and advising the President and the Mines administration on matters related to the Handbook.
12.4.2 Membership
The appointed membership of the Faculty Handbook Committee shall consist of two academic department heads, four full-time academic faculty members, at least one of which is a Teaching Faculty member, and one full-time administrative faculty member. One of the academic faculty members must be a Faculty Senator and shall serve as a representative of the Faculty Senate. Additionally, the Provost, or a representative designated by the Provost, shall serve as a voting, ex officio committee member. The General Counsel and Chief Human Resources Officer shall serve as non-voting, ex officio committee members.
12.4.3 Method of Operation
The chairperson of the Faculty Handbook Committee shall be the Provost, or the Provost’s representative. The committee shall meet at least once per month during the fall and spring semesters and as necessary during the summer. Upon the provision of appropriate notice to the membership, special meetings may be called at any time by the chairperson. At least six voting members must be present at a meeting to constitute a quorum sufficient to permit the committee to conduct its business. A majority vote of members present at a meeting shall be required for any action taken at the meeting to constitute an official act of the committee. All disputed procedural issues that arise regarding the conduct of the meetings of the committee shall be resolved according to the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
12.4.4 Method of Appointment
The academic department head committee members shall be nominated by the Provost and appointed by the President. The academic faculty committee members shall be nominated by the Faculty Senate and appointed by the President. The administrative faculty committee member shall be nominated by the Administrative Faculty Council and appointed by the President.
12.4.5 Terms of Appointment
The academic department head committee members shall serve for staggered two-year terms. The academic faculty committee members who do not represent the Faculty Senate shall serve for staggered three-year terms. The academic faculty committee member who represents the Faculty Senate shall serve for a renewable, one-year term. The administrative faculty committee member shall serve for a three-year term. All terms of appointment to this committee shall be calculated on an academic year basis, rather than on a calendar year basis.